Aalta / New Single / Borrowed Time
None other than George Harrison noted that ‘All Things Must Pass.’ And while he was referencing the recent demise of The Beatles, it is a concept that is both universally relatable and totally personal. Most things in life come with a shelf-life, from the accepted transience of the workplace to the heart aching acceptance that even relationships may not last forever.

It was a conversation about the latter, about the fact that even when you are utterly in love you can also be aware that there is also going to be an end point in a relationship, between AALTA’s Rich Jacques and London born singer Desi Valentine that was the starting point for latest single Borrowed Time.
The basic song was put in front of fellow AALTA writer and producer Daniel Pashman and a modern alt-pop hit in the making was born. Valentine’s vocals are the perfect vehicle for the bittersweet nature of the song and with a compelling yet deft and spacious musical drive plus some sweet and soulful brass AALTA find themselves with a perfect pop song but one that flies in the face of expectation.
It marries a timeless and soulful sound with cutting edge pop, it is both infectious and immediate yet has all the qualities of a song that you will want deliver that sonic sugar rush time and time again.